Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, often referred to by her initials AOC, is a prominent American politician and activist known for her progressive stance and impactful presence in Congress. Born on October 13, 1989, in the Bronx, New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a member of the U.S. She has represented the Democrat Party since 2019, and she happens to be one of their most promising members since then.

Early Life and Education

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s journey began in the Bronx, where she was raised by her Puerto Rican parents, Sergio Ocasio-Roman and Blanca Ocasio-Cortez. Her early years in the Parkchester neighborhood shaped her resilient spirit. At the age of five, her family moved to Yorktown Heights, offering her a blend of urban and suburban experiences.

Ocasio-Cortez attended Yorktown High School, graduating in 2007. Notably, she excelled in science, securing second place in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with her research on antioxidants. This achievement led to the naming of a small asteroid, 23238 Ocasio-Cortez, in her honor.

She pursued higher education at Boston University, earning degrees in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude in 2011. Her father’s death during her sophomore year profoundly impacted her, as she navigated the complexities of probate court—a struggle that fueled her understanding of legal and economic injustices.

Rise to Political Prominence

Before entering politics, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez worked as a waitress and bartender to support her family. She also launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing firm aimed at portraying the Bronx in a positive light. Her activism deepened while working for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, where she was inspired by grassroots organizing.

In June 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made headlines by defeating 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary for New York’s 14th congressional district. This stunning victory propelled her into the national spotlight. She easily won the general election in November, becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Congress at age 29.

Progressive Advocacy and Influence

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is known for her bold progressive platform, which includes Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, a federal jobs guarantee, the Green New Deal, and the abolition of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). As a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, she, alongside Rashida Tlaib, became one of the first female members of the DSA elected to Congress.

Her influence extends beyond legislation. Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a formidable social media presence, using platforms to engage with constituents and advocate for policy changes. Her relatable and direct communication style has garnered her a massive following.

Personal Life and Legacy

Despite the relentless scrutiny faced by public figures, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez remains focused on her mission. She frequently addresses misconceptions and derogatory searches such as “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez nude”, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sexy”, and “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bikini” with dignity and resilience. Her personal life, including details about her partner or “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez husband”, is kept relatively private to maintain a focus on her work and public service.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to challenge norms and inspire a new generation of activists and politicians. Her story from the Bronx to Capitol Hill is a testament to the power of determination and the impact of progressive values in modern American politics.

Personal Attributes 

Height5 ft 4 inches
Weight132 lbs
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBrown

Campaign Kickoff

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s crazy journey began in April 2017. Balancing her campaign with waiting tables and tending bar at Flats Fix in Union Square, she operated out of a humble paper grocery bag stashed behind the bar. This unorthodox approach underscored her commitment and the financial constraints she faced. Despite these challenges, she decided to take on Joe Crowley, a powerful 10-term incumbent and the Democratic Caucus Chair.

Her strategy was simple but effective: leverage grassroots mobilization and avoid corporate donations. Her campaign logo and posters drew inspiration from historic, revolutionary visuals, embodying her campaign’s spirit and message.

The Only Debate

The sole face-to-face meeting between Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Crowley occurred on June 15 on the political talk show Inside City Hall, hosted by Errol Louis. Although scheduled to debate again on June 18 in the Bronx, Crowley’s absence was notable as he sent former NYC Council member Annabel Palma in his place.


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s campaign garnered support from a variety of progressive and civil rights organizations including MoveOn and Democracy for America. In contrast, Crowley was backed by established figures like then-Governor Cuomo, Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, and multiple trade unions and advocacy groups such as the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood.

One notable endorsement twist involved California Representative Ro Khanna, who initially endorsed Crowley but later issued a dual endorsement, reflecting the shifting dynamics within the party.

Primary Election Shocker

On June 26, 2018, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez won the primary with 57.13% of the vote, a 15-point lead over Crowley. This victory shocked the political world, as she was outspent by Crowley 18 to 1. Her victory, highlighted by endorsements from influential left-wing groups, defied media predictions and established political norms.

Bernie Sanders and Noam Chomsky were among the notable figures who congratulated her. Comparisons were made to Dave Brat’s 2014 Tea Party-supported win over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, highlighting the unexpected nature of her triumph.

Following her win, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez capitalized on her newfound fame by endorsing several progressive challengers to Democratic incumbents nationwide. This move showcased her willingness to leverage her political capital to support broader progressive causes, an uncommon strategy for primary victors.

Her Life Beyond Politics

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s life and career have continued to draw public interest. Whether it’s her charismatic presence, highlighted by her signature Alexandria Ocasio Cortez glasses and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez hoops, or her fearless approach to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez issues like economic inequality and climate change, she remains a central figure in modern American politics.

Despite the frequent focus on her attributes—her Alexandria Ocasio Cortez makeup, her Alexandria Ocasio Cortez gorgeous looks, and even her casual style in Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in jeans—Ocasio-Cortez stays grounded in her mission. From a bartender to a Congressional trailblazer, her political journey embodies a radical shift in the political landscape, inspiring many and redefining the potential for change within the American political system.

Her Elections and Political Career

Elections 2018

In April 2017, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez launched her campaign for New York’s 14th congressional district, juggling her responsibilities as a waitress and bartender. Her grassroots campaign, run out of a grocery bag behind the bar, marked the first challenge to the Democratic Caucus Chair, Joe Crowley, in 14 years. Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign rejected corporate donations, opting instead for grassroots mobilization. Her revolutionary campaign posters drew inspiration from historical revolutionary imagery, further emphasizing her message of change.

The only face-to-face encounter between Ocasio-Cortez and Crowley occurred on June 15, 2018, on the local political talk show, Inside City Hall. Crowley skipped a scheduled debate three days later, sending a surrogate in his place. Ocasio-Cortez was endorsed by several progressive and civil rights organizations, including MoveOn and Democracy for America. At the same time, Crowley received endorsements from prominent figures like Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, along with various local officials and trade unions.

Elections 2020

In 2020, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera challenged Ocasio-Cortez in the Democratic primary. Ocasio-Cortez won the primary decisively and faced Republican nominee John Cummings and write-in candidate Antoine Tucker in the general election. Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign focused on community-oriented workshops on workplace organizing and eviction defense. Her innovative campaign strategy included hosting a Twitch stream of the game “Among Us,” which attracted over 400,000 viewers, showcasing her ability to engage with younger audiences. She secured her re-election with a significant margin.

Elections 2022

In 2022, Ocasio-Cortez ran unopposed in the Democratic primary and faced Republican Tina Forte and Conservative Party nominee Desi Cuellar in the general election. She won re-election, continuing to represent New York’s 14th congressional district.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took office on January 3, 2019, as the youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress. Her significant social media presence set her apart from her peers, with millions of followers on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Her colleagues even sought her guidance on leveraging social media effectively.

Shortly after she arrived in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez participated in a climate change protest outside House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office and backed Pelosi for Speaker of the House, provided Pelosi remained the most progressive candidate for the role. During her orientation, she criticized the influence of corporate interests, highlighting the presence of lobbyists and the absence of grassroots activists.

Her Speech Was a Success

Ocasio-Cortez’s maiden speech on the House floor during the 2018-2019 government shutdown set a record as C-SPAN’s most-watched Twitter video of a House member. She made headlines during a February 2019 Congressional hearing on campaign finance, where her questioning highlighted gaps in ethics regulations for lawmakers.

Her skillful questioning of Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, during a hearing on Trump’s business practices drew widespread praise and contributed to an investigation by New York Attorney General Letitia James into potential financial fraud by Trump’s companies. This investigation led to substantial legal action against Trump’s businesses.

Throughout her tenure, Ocasio-Cortez has maintained her commitment to progressive policies and activism, using her platform to advocate for change and hold powerful figures accountable. Her innovative approach to campaigning and governance resonates with a broad and diverse audience, solidifying her role as a prominent voice in American politics.

Media Attention and Influence

In March 2019, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attracted significant media coverage early in her tenure in Congress, rivaling that of 2020 presidential hopefuls. She was often cited as “one of the popular faces of the Democratic party” and one of the most frequently discussed politicians in the United States. During the week of July 8 to 14, 2019, she garnered more social media interactions than any Democratic presidential candidate. NewsWhip reported that articles about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez generated 4.8 million interactions, while no Democratic candidate exceeded 1.2 million. David Bauder from the Associated Press remarked that Trump supporters were somewhat successful in associating the Democratic Party with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

A Media Matters for America study found that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a frequent topic on Fox News and Fox Business, with mentions every day from February 25 to April 7, 2019, totaling 3,181 mentions over 42 days (around 75 per day). David Smith of The Guardian noted that Fox was “obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” depicting her as a radical socialist endangering American values. CNN’s Brian Stelter found that from January to July 2019, she was mentioned almost three times more on Fox News than on CNN and MSNBC and seven times more than Democratic leader James Clyburn. This led to a perception, particularly among conservatives, that her views were representative of the entire Democratic Party.

A CBS News and YouGov poll conducted from July 17 to 19, 2019, showed that Republican respondents were more familiar with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez than Democratic respondents. She had very unfavorable ratings among Republicans and favorable ratings among Democrats.

Hoaxes and Misinformation

In March 2019, PolitiFact reported that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a major target for hoaxes and fake claims despite being a freshman in Congress. False quotes, doctored photos, and baseless rumours about her spread widely on social media, with some originating from 4chan and r/The_Donald. By July 2019, these included attributing statements made by Trump to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, such as “I have a very good brain, and I’ve said lots of things.” On July 18, 2019, Gretna police officer Charlie Rispoli posted on Facebook an apparent threat to shoot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling her a “vile idiot” who “needs a round, and I don’t mean the kind she used to serve” as a bartender. His post was in response to a satirical article falsely quoting her as saying, “We pay soldiers too much.” Rispoli was fired, and his Facebook account was deleted.

Personal Style and Public Image

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is known for her signature red lipstick, typically from the American brand Stila Cosmetics, in the shade “Beso,” a style that resonates with Latina women from the Bronx. In a skincare tutorial for Vogue, she emphasized the importance of beauty and femininity to her, noting that these traits are often weaponized against women in politics and society. She described self-love as a “mini protest” against misogynistic criticism.


Following the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on Joe Biden to expand the court if he won the presidency and the Democrats gained a Senate majority. In April 2021, she supported legislation to increase the number of Supreme Court justices. After the Texas Heartbeat Bill decision in September 2021, she renewed her call for court expansion.

In March 2022, she demanded Justice Clarence Thomas resign due to his wife’s controversial texts about overturning the 2020 election and suggested possible impeachment. Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, she pushed for the impeachment of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, accusing them of lying under oath about their views on Roe during their confirmation hearings.

Pay Raises for Congress

In 2019, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez advocated for pay raises for Congress members, asserting that all workers should receive cost-of-living increases. She highlighted that Congressional pay should be adjusted just like the minimum wage should be pegged to inflation. At the time, members of Congress earned $174,000 annually, while the Speaker of the House and House leaders earned more. Despite some opposition, including from colleagues like Joe Cunningham, Republican Kevin McCarthy joined her in supporting the raise, arguing that Congress should not be a place only the wealthy can afford to serve. It showed Alexandra’s initiative to better the conditions for people in America. Things will only get better in the future as she focuses on their party politics and how to better her future.

Her Policy on China

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized American companies Activision Blizzard and Apple for censoring pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. She co-signed a letter to Activision Blizzard’s CEO, urging the company to promote American values like freedom of speech rather than succumbing to Beijing’s demands. In a bipartisan letter with seven other lawmakers, she fiercely criticized the NBA’s handling of a tweet by Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey supporting the Hong Kong protesters, accusing the NBA of betraying fundamental American values.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen

Ocasio-Cortez voted to end U.S. military support for the war Saudi Arabia was waging in Yemen. She criticized President Trump’s administration for escalating tensions with Iran, which she argued could lead to an irresponsible military conflict. Iran has been a very delicate topic for American politicians ever since.


In May 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned the Israel Defense Forces’ use of deadly force against Palestinians in Gaza, describing it as a “massacre” in a tweet. She supported a two-state solution and referred to Israel’s presence in the West Bank as an “occupation of Palestine,” a term that drew significant backlash from pro-Israel groups. Despite this, some defended her remarks, citing the United Nations’ designation of the West Bank territory as occupied.

Immigration and Detention Centers

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a staunch critic of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), advocating for its defunding and abolition while pushing for pathways to citizenship through decriminalization. In 2019, she protested at an ICE child detention center and consistently opposed bills funding ICE. She denounced the Trump administration’s migrant detention centers, comparing them to concentration camps, which sparked controversy but underscored her commitment to immigrant rights. In 2021, she criticized the Biden administration for reopening a migrant detention center, calling for licensing reforms and reconsideration of how these centers are contracted.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez champions tuition-free public colleges and trade schools, reflecting her commitment to accessible education and economic justice. She often shares her personal experience with student loan debt to highlight the broader financial struggles faced by many Americans. Ocasio-Cortez’s advocacy for canceling student debt aligns with her efforts to alleviate financial burdens and create equal opportunities for all, emphasizing the need for systemic change in the education system to make sure that everyone has access to higher and better education at the same time. It is one of the best ways to ensure higher education.

Abortion Rights

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a fervent supporter of codifying the right to abortion and is an active member of the House pro-choice caucus. Following the Supreme Court’s decision to completely quash Roe v. Wade in 2022, she and 17 other members of Congress were arrested for civil disobedience during a protest for reproductive rights. This bold act highlighted her unwavering commitment to protecting women’s reproductive rights and ensuring that women have autonomy over their bodies, reflecting her dedication to gender equality and social justice. This only highlights her commitment to women’s rights.

Police Funding

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a vocal advocate for the “defund the police” movement, proposing a reallocation of funds from policing to community services. She argues that affluent white communities already prioritize youth, health, and housing over heavy policing and questions why similar approaches aren’t applied to Black and Brown communities. Her vision for the movement includes creating supportive environments that address the root causes of harm, emphasizing restorative justice over punitive measures. Ocasio-Cortez’s stance seeks to challenge systemic inequalities and promote equitable treatment across all communities.

LGBTQ Equality

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a staunch supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and also promotes equality for all. She actively supports the LGBTQ community, acknowledging their crucial role in her campaign. Ocasio-Cortez participated in a video game livestream to raise funds for Mermaids, a UK charity for trans children. Her commitment to LGBTQ equality extends to her speeches, such as the one at the January 2019 New York City Women’s March, where she advocated for workplace equality and broader rights. She often despises the religious angle given to trans rights and LGBTQ+ rights, criticizing the denial of medical care based on identity and affirming, “Trans rights are civil rights are human rights.”

She is quite well-known in political circles for her advocacy of equal rights for minorities. Alexandra has also received international acclaim for her views on various issues.

Political Endorsements and PAC Formation

In July 2023, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed President Joe Biden for his reelection campaign in the 2024 presidential election, showcasing her continued influence within the Democratic Party. This endorsement reflects her strategic alignment with the broader goals of the party while maintaining her progressive values.

In January 2020, Ocasio-Cortez launched a political action committee (PAC) named Courage to Change. The PAC was created to support progressive Democratic candidates, aiming to bring fresh, bold voices into the political arena. By February 21, 2020, the PAC announced its first endorsements of progressive Democrats, signaling a robust start to its mission.

She Supports Democrats

However, some progressive commentators expressed disappointment by March 3, noting that Ocasio-Cortez had only endorsed two Democratic primary challengers. A notable absence from her endorsements was Cori Bush, who had previously received her support in 2018. This decision sparked discussions on the selective nature of her endorsements and the broader strategy behind her political support.

The endorsement of Bernie Sanders

Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders in the 2020 presidential election was a significant moment in her political career. She appeared with Sanders at various speaking engagements, and the campaign rallies they held together drew the largest crowds of any presidential rally at the time. Her dynamic presence and passionate speeches energized Sanders’ campaign and resonated with many progressive voters.

On January 25, 2020, she even stepped in for Sanders at a rally at the University of Iowa, alongside filmmaker Michael Moore, while Sanders was occupied with the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. This move highlighted her commitment to the progressive cause and her ability to galvanize support in Sanders’ absence. She is one of the best supporters of the Sanders campaign. She is a Democrat firmly and believes in those cherished ideals.

Her Tastes and Interests

Engagement and Residence

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a known fan of the New York Yankees, resides in Parkchester, Bronx, with her partner, web developer Riley Roberts. The couple, who had been together since the 2018 election campaign, became engaged in April 2022 in Puerto Rico.

Financial Status

Ocasio-Cortez’s modest financial background is evident as she was ranked one of the least wealthy members of the 116th Congress by OpenSecrets in 2021, with a maximum net worth of $30,000. We think her assets will only increase in the coming years. And she will only obtain more net worth at the same time.

January 6 Capitol Attack

In the wake of the January 6 United States Capitol attack, Ocasio-Cortez found the experience “extraordinarily traumatizing” and sought psychotherapy. She described the ordeal as harrowing, fearing for her life and questioning if she would survive the day.

Cultural Heritage

Ocasio-Cortez’s cultural heritage is rich and diverse. She proudly identifies as Boricua, a term that encapsulates her multifaceted Puerto Rican roots, which include African Moors, Taino Indians, Spanish colonizers, Jewish refugees, and enslaved Africans. This blend of ancestry shapes her identity and fuels her advocacy for marginalized communities. Her deep connection to Puerto Rico is further emphasized by her family’s ties to the island, where her grandfather lived in a nursing home until his passing in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Religious Background

Raised in a Catholic household, Ocasio-Cortez’s faith profoundly influences her values and political stances. She discussed the impact of her religion on her life and campaign for criminal justice reform in an article for America, the magazine of the Jesuit order in the United States. She has also acknowledged her Sephardic Jewish ancestry, adding another layer to her diverse background.

Family Challenges

Ocasio-Cortez’s journey is marked by personal and familial challenges. After her father died in 2008, her mother and grandmother relocated to Florida due to financial difficulties. Despite these hardships, she remains closely connected to her Puerto Rican roots and her family in Florida.

Advocacy and Resilience

Throughout her career, Ocasio-Cortez has been open about her struggles and triumphs, including her commitment to addressing issues of mental health, as evidenced by her candidness about undergoing psychotherapy following the Capitol attack. Her personal experiences of financial hardship and cultural heritage continue to inform her political platform and dedication to serving underrepresented communities.

Asteroid Naming

In 2007, as a senior in high school, she secured second place in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. In recognition of this accomplishment, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory named an asteroid, 23238 Ocasio-Cortez, in her honor.

National Hispanic Institute Person of the Year

Ocasio-Cortez received the great honour of being named the 2017 National Hispanic Institute Person of the Year by Ernesto Nieto. This accolade highlights her influence and impact within the Hispanic community. It is indeed one of the best achievements for a young politician in a long time.

Adelle Foley Award

In 2019, she was honored with the Adelle Foley Award. This award recognizes her contributions and dedication to social justice and public service. We are absolutely certain that she will win a lot more awards in the coming years for her exceptional service.

BBC 100 Women

Ocasio-Cortez was also included in the 2019 BBC 100 Women list, which celebrates the most inspiring and influential women from around the world. This recognition underscores her global influence and the significant role she plays in advocating for progressive policies and social change. Young women all across the world consider her an inspiration when it comes to politics and ideals.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has emerged as a prominent figure in American politics, known for her progressive stances and dynamic presence. From her early accomplishments in science fairs to being a leading voice in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez has consistently advocated for social justice, equality, and democratic values. Her numerous awards and honors, including the naming of an asteroid after her and being listed among the BBC’s 100 Women, underscore her impact both domestically and internationally. As she continues her political career, Ocasio-Cortez remains a pivotal figure in shaping the future of progressive politics in the United States. And she will continue to do so.

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